DIVUS PRAHA: SUPER NASE & CO - THIS IS NOT...? | performance
[b]SUPER NASE & CO - THIS IS NOT...?[/b] | performance

SUPER NASE & CO - THIS IS NOT...? | performance

15.04.2011 19:00

Divus | en cs

Friday 15.4.2011

The aim of the group Super Nase & Co – God’s Entertainments support act - is to reduce or dissolve any kind of esthetical or artistical demands within the audience. These demands should become performatively so minimized that on one hand afterwards the Group God’s Entertainment always provides a magnificent show and on the other hand that it should not be possible anymore to pass criticism on Super Nase & Co itself. The ways of the interpretations goes from dance to performance, across photo artworks to staged works in theatre as well as in open space.

Serial "This is not...?" 
(based on René Magrittes "Ceci n'est pas une pipe")
The essential input for the THIS IS NOT...? sequels are works and lifes of prominent artists (also TV-, show-, advertisement and other entertainment stars, as well as politicians); topic of a surrealist juxtaposition with René Magritte's "Ceci n'est pas une pipe". Analysis is concidered as a deduction of reality.

"This is not Marina Abramovic?"
is based upon the early Marina Abramovic performance Rhythm 10, where she's stabbing the space between the fingers of her left hand as fast as possible with ten different knives, searching for errors according to/with/through rhythm. These errors seem synchronic in her present and her past time. “each time that I cut myself, I change knife”. The synchronization of errors is achieved completely through rhythm 10.
"This is not Marina Abramovic?" does not look for the rhythm of the errors, neither does it try to trigger emotions. The performance is not a trial to copy rhythm 10, neither an authentic repetition, but it shows Abramovic´s aesthetic analogy in performance, again in Margritte's surrealistic view. This analysis is at the same time a deduction of reality.

"This is not Valie Export?"
In Winter 1968 Valie Export went for a walk - with Peter Weibel as a dog. He was wearing a dog leash and was crawling on all fours through Vienna's Kärntnerstraße. To show a human as a dog in a dependency in the term of a relationship between human and animal caused a lot of displeasure in the Austrian publicity. The boulevard press was writing “that its enough now”. In Winter 2010 'Peter Weibel' went for a walk with 'Valie Export' as a dog. She got also a dog leash and crawled on all fours through Vienna's Kärntnerstraße. To show a woman as a dog, in a dependency of a man caused also a lot of displeasure not only in the Austrian boulvard press.


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About SUPER NASE & Co – God’s Entertainment support act for reducing the audience’s esthetical demands
The aim of the group Super Nase & Co – God’s Entertainments support act - is to reduce or dissolve any kind of esthetical or artistical demands within the audience. These demands should become performatively so minimized that on one hand afterwards the Group God’s Entertainment always provides a magnificent show and on the other hand that it should not be possible anymore to pass criticism on Super Nase & Co itself. The ways of the interpretations goes from dance to performance, across photo artworks to staged works in theatre as well as in open space. The duration of the works is mostly between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on the theme. Super Nase & Co was founded in Vienna in 2007.

About God’s Entertainment
The old Viennese performance collective God's Entertainment has been stirring up the public over the last years by their politically and socially charged performances and actions. By means of their radical approaches they search for new strong fields of tension in different social and cultural spaces, topics, structures and forms beyond theatrical conventions. Out of this artistic-social entanglement they create sharp edged social sculptures, often including the audience.
The collective who tries to transcendate conventions of theatre. GE works in the area of performance, happening, visual arts and sound. GE attempts permanently to re-define the term performance, and to equip it with relevance in relation to contemporary theatre and other media. Their work confronts Austria's political and cultural identity. This is permanently understood as criticism of a social surrounding in different areas and demonstrated in their works. GE don't only use the theatre stage as playground for performances - actions take place in public space. The most important point, characterizing most of their works, is the fact that they include the audience actively.

15.04.2011 19:00


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