Zeitschrift Umělec 2000/1 >> Juraj Horváth | Übersicht aller Ausgaben | ||||||||||||
Juraj HorváthZeitschrift Umělec 2000/101.01.2000 Lenka Lindaurová | vorgestellt | en cs |
Born 1974, graduated from applied arts high school in Kamenický Šenov, the Czech Republic. In 1999, he graduated from the Jiří Šalamoun illustration and graphic studio of the Applied Arts College in Prague.
The cycle of posters Poproworld (Popular Propaganda of the World) was intended to address viewers on the streets using pop-culture forms and to deal with various issues, from business to art and love. Horváth drew his inspiration from the poetics of Russian revolutionary posters. He makes the intentionally inartistic posters himself by spraying only two or three filthy colors. The resulting images are antipodes of shiny billboards—they are not advertisements but rather messages. Their language is backwards and inappropriate, says Horváth. Their whisper is hard to discover in the influx of contemporary colors. Poproworld is not political but ideological. It is not contemporary, yet timeless in its symbolism.
Empfohlene Artikel
04.02.2020 10:17
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