RIČARDAS GAVELIS: MEMORIES OF A YOUNG MAN | Literature Night15.05.2013 18:00Divus | en cs |
Wednesday 15.5.2013 18:00Project of Czech Centres and EUNIC combines texts of contemporary European literature with the original presentation in the unusual location in a unique cultural experience. This year in 18 venues around Letná, Holešovice and Bubeneč. For Divus Prager Kabarrett is prepared selection from the Lituanian novel Ričardas Gavelis Memories of a young man in the interpretation by Jaromír Nosek.Ričardas Gavelis is a Lithuanian writer, playwright, and essayist; specifically known for creating intellectual novels and starting a new type of Vilnius mythology. The Memoirs of a Young Man is considered to be his best work. Composed of letters sent by the main character to his friend from the hereafter – “Teacher” – letter by letter, the novel reveals the effect of this relationship on the protagonist, and bares evidence to the struggle of one’s self-realization while growing up in Soviet Lithuanian. The uniform structure of the work is often enlivened by the letters addressed to such historical figures as Karl Marx or Nietzsche.
15.05.2013 18:00
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