Umělec 3/2001 | Lista de todas las ediciones | ||||
"He’s back again, just as His henchmen and fanatical followers predicted. Yes, He’s really here, showing His true face, the one His fans have kept disguised for so long under a martyr’s veil. And once again the brave will be needed to instruct Him, just as they were two thousand years ago.Surprised, aren’t you!? But let’s not walk around a cooling corpse bemoaning the obvious fact that no one…
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"“What makes the constitution of a state really strong and durable is such a close observance of [social] conventions that natural relations and laws come to be in harmony on all points, so that the law... seems only to ensure, accompany and correct what is natural.”1Jean-Jacques RousseauThe State in CyberspaceThe rapid expansion of e-commerce depends upon effective legal regulation of the Net.…
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"Biographical art novels, plays, films, TV series and talk shows can all be trawled in the search for an archetype of the artist, but it’s a rich field and the range of images is broad. The key to identifying a true artist is the recognition of certain fundamental signifiers (in addition, naturally, to quality output). Since a systematic list of such signs is not the subject of this text, I will…
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"Those familiar with the Czech and Slovak art scenes may recognize the name Stano Filko. And very likely those same people would, without hesitation, and mostly based on his initial oeuvre, place him in the 1960s context – rightfully so. Few recall, however, what exactly it was that this artist did back then, and perhaps only a handful of Slovak art historians know what he`s been working on…
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"From MSG to ZenJuly 25, 1908 is an historic day. Unaware of the consequences, Professor Kikunae Ikeda of Tokyo University is patenting his method of manufacturing Glutamic acid. He has discovered the secret of “the fifth taste,” or umami (deliciousness), and extracted it from the Kombu seaweed that his wife brings home from the market. In fact, Ikeda also goes on to discover a way to mass…
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